Sunday, July 28, 2013

Code Red 7 Male Enhancement Pills

Code Red 7 Overview
Code Red 7 is a mark of male enlargement pill that is made as a path for men to enhance the force of their erection and help their sexual virility. It is the sort of execution item that ought to be taken just preceding the sexual enhancement as opposed to one that ought to be taken every day and as being what is indicated, is quick acting, producing results in give or take 45 minutes.
Code Red 7There is no official site for Code Red 7 which may dissuade a few shoppers, despite the fact that there is some qualified data accessible on the locales of retailers convey the mark. It is sold in packs of 10 at an expense of $44.95 and there is no manifestation of cash back certification demonstrated. Also, no client testimonials are accessible nor is there any proof that the item has been tried in clinical conditions.

Code Red 7 Ingredients

The accompanying is the record of the major substances discovered in Code Red 7: Horny Goat Marijuana, Caltrops, Dong Quai & Maca

How Does Code Red 7 Work?

Code Red 7 principally targets the lovemaking potential of men, presumably by enhancing the blood veins course to the male organ. How it fulfils this is not clear. On the other hand, on account of the utilization of certain characteristic substances, Code Red 7 Male Enhancer could be said that it works by bringing about an ascent in the release of nitric oxide supplement, which in progressions causes vasodilation of the penis veins. The net general impact is enhanced in the consistency, top quality and length of male organ solidifies.

Pros of Code Red 7

1. Does not have to be taken every day 2. Competitive and sparing cost as every jug is valued at $34.95 3. The item bundling / labelling holds a complete record of every last one of fixings

Cons of Code Red 7

1. A full pack just holds 10 pills / cases 2. Cost for every pack ($44.95) might generally higher for a few clients 3. There is no official site for the item 4. Case ought to be taken no less than 45 minutes before having the sexual intercourse 5. There are no exploratory studies or trials to uphold the official cases 6. No Money back assurance or item rebates

The Bottom Line

All things considered, Code Red 7 seems, by all accounts, to be just an additional normal male improvement pill. While it does have a few profits such "as required" utilize and the vicinity of Caltrops as one of its key fixings, it does have a mixture of its own inadequacies. For instance, the item does not have any solid or official site. It is unquestionably not the shoddiest result of its benevolent and likewise, it doesn't accompany any rewards, rebate or Moneyback.

Brown Fat: It's a Big Deal

Non-shivering thermogenesis is the process by which the body generates extra heat without shivering. Shivering is a way for the body to use muscular contractions to generate heat, but non-shivering thermogenesis uses a completely different mechanism to accomplish the same goal: a specialized fat-burning tissue called brown fat. Brown fat is brown rather than white because it's packed with mitochondria, the power plants of the cell. Under cold conditions, these mitochondria are activated, using a specialized molecular mechanism called uncoupling* to generate heat.

The mechanism of brown fat activation has been worked out fairly well in rodents, which rely heavily on non-shivering thermogenesis due to their small body size. Specialized areas of the hypothalamus in the brain sense body temperature (through sensors in the brain and body), body energy status (by measuring leptin and satiety signals), stress level, and probably other factors, and integrate this information to set brown fat activity. The hypothalamus does this by acting through the sympathetic nervous system, which heavily innervates brown fat. As an aside, this process works basically the same in humans, as far as we currently know. Those who claim that rodent models are irrelevant to humans are completely full of hot air**, as the high degree of conservation of the hypothalamus over 75 million years of evolution demonstrates.

Two new studies concurrently published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation last week demonstrate what I've suspected for a long time: brown fat can be 'trained' by cold exposure to be more active, and its activation by cold can reduce body fatness.

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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Zucchini: The Home Gardener's Worst Friend? With bonus garden-related rambling.

One of my main gardening goals has been to harvest more of something than I can eat, despite my limited gardening space here in the Emerald City. I want the feeling of abundance that comes with having to preserve and give away food because I can't eat it all.

Enter zucchini. My grandfather used to say that in New Jersey in summertime, you'd have to keep your car doors locked, otherwise the car would be full of zucchini the next time you got in! In mid-May, I planted two starts from my local grocery store labeled "green zucchini", with no further information. I put them in a bed that used to be a pile of composted horse manure, and that I had also cover cropped, mulched, fertilized, and loosened deeply with my broadfork. They look pleased.

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Excess vitamin C is harmful to health

Excess vitamin C is harmful to health
Excess vitamin C in the body can be harmful to health and cause kidney problems.

The Vitamin C is a necessary substance to keep our body functioning properly. We require at least 70 to 90 grams for the body to function properly. These quantities are very difficult to overcome, but sometimes possible. But the excess vitamin C is harmful to health! Hearing this are you shocked then clarify this in the below.
Many people indiscriminately ingest high doses of vitamin C, thinking that this will help to prevent colds or other conditions. While artificial vitamin is beneficial for health in reasonable quantities, excessive consumption has negative consequences for health.
Vitamin C cannot be stored in the organism. The excess is excreted in the urine, so it is very rare that a high intake can affect us. However, take 2 or 3 grams more than the recommended dose can cause digestive discomfort, heartburn or diarrhea.
Excess vitamin C is harmful to healthWhile vitamin C is not toxic, constant and excessive consumption can reach cause kidney problems, liver and stomach.
 A research group has found that vitamin oxidant effect as an antioxidant in the DNA, where the human gene. The conclusions were that the consumption of the dose that causes genetic damage experienced part of the DNA, which had never previously been found in research on the antioxidant property.
It is best to try to get this vitamin c naturally and you avoid taking supplements for your health safety. 

Powerful Ways to Treat Thrush Naturally

Thrush is disturbing our activities, with pain in the mouth making us feel ill at a time when eating and chewing sesuat. Sariyawan may occur due to decreasing our body's defense system against the environment (bacteria) and a lack of vitamin C.

What causes canker sores?

- Mouth bitten. It is a common thing. Mouth usually bitten by eating too fast or when chatting.
- Lack of nutrients such as iron, vitamin B 12 and vitamin C can cause canker sores.
- Signs of digestive disorders
- Oral hygiene is not maintained
- Immune system weakened
- Product toothpaste that does not fit with the mouth
- Eating

But do not worry now doctors have found a way ampu treat thrush naturally.

1. Guava bark
Take guava bark 10 g (young bark), wash and finely crushed add 1/2 cup of boiled water, strain. Use water to rinse the filter.

2. Coconut Water
Take coconut water, if there is a green coconut water. Use it to gargle and can also be swallowed.

3. Coffee Powder
Take a little coffee powder and then apply on the sprue, allow a few minutes, then kumurlah with clean water. Until cured. Insaalah will recover approximately 2-3 days.

3. Gargling with salt water
Gargling with salt mixed with warm water three times a day can heal canker sores quickly. Salt content can draw liquid on canker sores that can accelerate wound healing.

4. Drinking yogurt
Yogurt helps balance the bacteria in the mouth and body. This will speed healing and help prevent thrush. To feel the results, make sure the yogurt contains live acidophilus.

5. Rinse mouth with traditional medicine
Rinse mouth with one of several traditional medicines, such as aloe vera, grape seed extract, hydrogen peroxide, plum juice, tea tree oil and warm water with salt.

7. Apply wound with onions and papaya
Apply directly to the wound ulcer drugs can also speed up the healing process. Use raw onion, papaya or tea bag directly on the wound canker sores.

8. Tomatoes
Eating raw tomatoes a drug used to treat canker sores. Alternatively, gargle using tomato juice.

9. Basil leaves and Turmeric
Chewing 4-5 basil leaves and drinking water. This method is effective for pain relief and immediate cure thrush. Can also apply a paste made from the herb turmeric collision mixed with a teaspoon of glycerin. Apply this paste section wound.

10. Try baking soda
Mix baking soda with water is used as a mouthwash or pasta to coat sores canker sores. Baking soda will help eliminate bacteria in the mouth and reduce pain.

11. Take vitamins
Studies indicate thrush is more common in people who lack vitamin B. Vitamin C, iron and folic acid also plays a role in preventing and healing ulcers.

12. Coconut oil
Coconut oil has anti-bacterial properties. You can mix coconut oil with honey. Apply the mixture on the canker sores mouth three times a day.

Friday, July 26, 2013

How to get rid of a toothache

Many are wondering How to get rid of a toothache. Most include a toothache to the most stringent tests, which accrue to the common man, of whom want to quickly get rid of. Tooth pain is not always on time, and in some cases the doctor away and a long commute. In order to "survive" to meet with the dentist, curbed the toothache, please use some of the ways to facilitate attacks toothache.

How to remove a toothache at home

The causes of pain may be several. This may be a tooth decay, and the crack in the enamel. The first causes a toothache in the pulp or nerve, even if inhaled air the second brings unpleasant sensations when you try to eat hot or cold with a distinct sour / sweet taste of the dish. If the attacks of toothache will be long, it may be a head ache, swollen cheek and temperature jump.

The most effective medication for relieving toothaches are Analginum and Nurofen, even stronger - Ketanol, Baralgin. They are able to dull toothache and suspend a small inflammation. If the listed drugs in the medicine cabinet nothing happened to come up and miniature cotton swab soaked in valokordin.

But count on the fact that dental pain recede forever, do not. Try to get an appointment with the dentist before the tooth is as unhealthy remind yourself again.

If the doctor the next day to get fails, to prevent tooth ache with the same force, periodically do a mouthwash with water and propolis tincture (calculation - a few drops to a glass of warm water), or use a soda or salt solution.

Severe attack of toothache, you can arrest the lotion from the same propolis - a pure drip a few drops on a cotton ball and apply to the sore tooth. 20 minutes later a toothache must retreat. You can use this method only once, as in frequent contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth clean propolis may cause damage to it.

Our grandmothers used for toothache decoction of sage. To prepare the treatment liquid tablespoon of herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Once the broth configure themselves, they should rinse your mouth.

How to get rid of toothache

There is a folk medicine and rather exotic, but effective methods of influencing the toothache. One of them - tear plantain leaf and paste shallow in the ear, located on the same side of the head, and that disturbing the tooth. After half an hour should come relief. In order not to make a new disease, wash the plantain before you start using it for other purposes.

Another way - garlic. Garlic cloves, peeled, lightly rub the wrist, on the opposite side of the aching tooth. Just do not overdo it, garlic is easy to cause burns on the skin, especially at such a tender spot.

You can try to prepare for the aching tooth healing mixture of salt, onion and garlic. Gruel, richly flavored with dry salt (the proportion of 1 to 1), set into a hollow tooth, and then covered it with a thin layer of cotton wool. The salt will draw exudate (fluid collecting in the tissues or cavities of inflammation), volatile onion and garlic disinfect problem areas.

A piece of bacon (you can use both fresh and salt) should be applied between the cheek and the bad tooth. And, in practice, the method is really effective.

How To Get Rid Of Toothache
One of the non-traditional methods of treatment of dental pain is a massage, but not simple, and the point. It has long been proven that specific points on the body responsible for the operation of the different organs, as well as nerve endings and pain. So, to get rid of toothache, massage place between the thumb and index finger. You need to massage the opposite direction from the patient's tooth hand. Perform a smooth, circular motion, without any special effort. The points that are responsible for dental pain, and are on the ears. Perform massage at the tip of the ear of the ear, which is located on one side of a tooth bothering you. Do it gently between thumb and index fingers of the hand. Scientists have shown that when crying significantly reduced the pressure on the gums and tooth pain subsides, so do not hesitate to cry for medicinal purposes. If the toothache is not strong, try to distract yourself, do some interesting, fascinating thing, and perhaps it will help you to forget the unpleasant sensations. But, in spite of the fact disappear toothache or not, do not delay going to the dentist, because the affected tooth requires treatment, but this traditional methods you are unlikely to help. Pay due attention to the teeth, look after them, and then they will be in excellent condition until old age, and you hardly ever have to use the recommendations listed above.

Even a small bout of toothache - is proof that your condition of the oral cavity in need of medical help, so do not tighten your visit to the dentist.

Enjoy your days with a toothache and white-toothed smile and never ask questions about how to get rid of a toothache.

Health Benefits of Broccoli

Broccoli is considered to be one of the most nutritious vegetables that can offer numerous health benefits. Some people love broccoli and some people hate it, but there's no denying that broccoli is a nutritional wonder. 

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable and Broccoli is a member of cabbage family and is closely related to cauliflower. If you want to receive the fantastic health benefits provided by the cruciferous vegetable family, you must include broccoli as one of the cruciferous vegetables you eat on a regular basis.

Its cultivation originated in Italy. Broccolo, its Italian name, means �cabbage sprout.� Broccoli�s name is derived from the Latin word brachium, which means branch or arm, a reflection of its tree-like shape that features a compact head of florets attached by small stems to a larger stalk. 
Because of its different components, this vegetable provides a complex of tastes and textures, ranging from soft and flowery (the florets) to fibrous and crunchy (the stem and stalk). Its color can range from deep sage to dark green to purplish-green, depending upon the variety. 

Throughout the year, broccoli is one of the easiest foods to locate, as most supermarkets across the world offer a hearty supply of this nutrient-rich vegetable. One of the most popular types of broccoli sold in North America is known as Italian green, or Calabrese, named after the Italian province of Calabria where it first grew.

Studies have shown that even kids like broccoli and one way to ensure that they enjoy it is to cook it properly by using healthy steaming method. Overcooked broccoli Loses both nutrients and flavor and becomes soft and mushy.

Health Benefits of Broccoli

1)Cancer Prevention 
The unique combination of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pro-detoxification components in broccoli make it a unique food in terms of cancer prevention. But it is particularly good for breast cancer and uterus cancer, as it removes extra estrogen from the body. This is due to the presence of strong anti-carcinogens like glucoraphanin, dindolylmethane, beta-carotene, selenium and other nutrients like vitamin-C, vitamin-A and vitamin-E, zinc, potassium and certain amino acids, which are also good anti-cancer agents.

Recent studies have also provided us with a much better idea about the amount of broccoli that we need to lower our cancer risk. At the lower end of the spectrum, it looks like an average of 1/2 cup of broccoli per day�only 22 calories' worth of broccoli!�is enough to provide some measurable benefits.

Broccoli contains an unusual combination of three phytonutrients, glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and glucobrassicin. Together these nutrients have a strong impact on our body�s detoxification system. This dynamic trio is able to support all steps in body's detox process, including activation, neutralization, and elimination of unwanted contaminants. Isothiocyanates (ITCs) are the detox-regulating molecules made from broccoli's glucosinolates, and they help control the detox process at a genetic level.


Broccoli is a particularly rich source of a flavonoid called kaempferol, which helps to battle allergies and inflammation. Especially inside of our digestive tract, kaempferol has the ability to lessen the impact of allergy-related substances (by lowering the immune system's production of IgE-antibodies). By lessening the impact of allergy-related substances, the kaempferol in broccoli can help lower our risk of chronic inflammation.

4) Antioxidant benefits
Amongst all of the commonly consumed cruciferous vegetables, broccoli stands out as the most concentrated source of a premiere antioxidant nutrient�vitamin C. This central antioxidant vitamin can provide longer-term support of oxygen metabolism in the body if it is accompanied by flavonoids that allow it to recycle. 

Broccoli provides many such flavonoids in significant amounts, including the flavonoids kaempferol and quercitin. Also concentrated in broccoli are the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. All three of these carotenoids function as key antioxidants
Considered as a group, the vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, and carotenoids contained in broccoli work to lower risk of oxidative stress in the body.

5)Improves Vitamin D Deficiency.
Broccoli contains vitamins A and K, which help to keep the metabolism of vitamin D in balance. Vitamin D promotes the body�s absorption of calcium and thereby sustains and promotes bone health and growth. When large supplemental doses of vitamin D are needed to offset deficiency, ample supplies of vitamin K and vitamin A help keep our vitamin D metabolism in balance. For people faced with the need to rebuild vitamin D stores through vitamin D supplements, broccoli may be an ideal food to include in the diet.

6)Digestive Support
Fiber helps to lower cholesterol and facilitates digestion. Fiber comes in two forms -- soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel in the stomach. This type of fiber helps keep blood sugar levels stable and also blocks the absorption of cholesterol. Insoluble fiber softens stool and decreases transit time in the digestive tract, which reduces the risk of constipation and colon cancer.

7)Heart health support

You can improve your heart health by eating broccoli regularly as when we eat broccoli, fiber-related nutrients in this cruciferous vegetable bind together with some of the bile acids in the intestine in such a way that they simply stay inside the intestine and pass out of our body in a bowel movement, rather than getting absorbed along with the fat they have emulsified. When this happens, our liver needs to replace the lost bile acids by drawing upon our existing supply of cholesterol, and as a result, our cholesterol level drops down. 

Also potassium found in broccoli helps to fight high blood pressure and other anti-inflammatory bio-chemicals like sulforaphane, glucoraphanin and kaempferol found in broccoli help to prevent damage to blood vessel lining due to chronic inflammation and chronic blood sugar problems promoting heart health and preventing risk of heart attacks and strokes. 

8)Increases Eye Health. 
Broccoli improves eye health due to high concentrations of two carotenoids in it�lutein and zeaxanthin�which play an important role in the health of the eye.

9)Supports Skin Health And Repair. 
When glucoraphanin from broccoli is converted into sulforaphane the result is healthy skin and repair of skin damage.

10)High in Nutrients vitamins and minerals. 

Broccoli contains a substantial amount of nutrients that are extremely good for health including vitamins, folic acid, fiber and calcium, It is a great source of vitamins K, A, and C, in addition to fiber, potassium, folate, and lutein. 

11)Rich in Calcium Supports bone health
Calcium strengthens and promotes bone growth and health, which assists in the prevention of osteoporosis.

12)Decreases Blood Sugar Levels. 

Thanks to its high levels of soluble fiber and chromium, broccoli helps to maintain low blood sugar.

13)High In Protein. 

Broccoli is not only a great source of protein but is also low in calorie.

14)Helps To Prevent Heart Disease

Broccoli contains lutein, which helps to fight heart disease by preventing the thickening of arteries

15)Fights cholesterol.
Broccoli provides us with this cholesterol-lowering benefit whether it is raw or cooked. However, a recent study has shown that the cholesterol-lowering ability of raw broccoli improves significantly when it is steamed. 

Hardazan Plus Reviews: Male Enhancement Pill

Hardazan Plus Overview

Find out the top secret proven by 1000s of men all over the world. Hardazan Plus is the to start with all-natural Sex Enhancement supplement of some type. Hardazan Plus enhances sexual efficiency, boosts sexual strength, encourages harder, more effective erections and also helps extended prostate health. Happy clients take pleasure in each instant and long-lasting advantages with rated Hardazan Plus the best male enhancement and sex pill in numerous male enhancement review web sites. Obtain Hardazan plus 1 hour before erotic activity to really feel direct outcomes and accept every day to achieve the highest long-lasting advantages.

You pay back it to your own in order to your sweet heart for endeavor Hardazan Plus today! Envision your self-confidence in the event that every time you had intercourse you realized that you would be harder , stay longer and have a lot more control over your orgasm . The information possess assisted a lot of men build up their important relationships, save their marital relationship and significantly improve their self-confidence. Hardazan Plus will help change your intercourse lifestyle permanently.Hardazan Plus one of the most advanced unique all natural male enhancement pills. The overall result is an immediate and long term improvement in your sexual health, sexual attraction and full sexual pleasure.

Product Details:

Around 90% of most men expertise some type of sexual dysfunction in their lifespan. Most of these sexual issues can incorporate loss of endurance, poor and uncontrolled orgasm and slow retrieval after ejaculation.

Prescribed drugs can often treatment this kind of issues, in spite of this the large selection of side effects can be harmful. These types of medication can cause nausea, headaches, and heart palpations, Abs Pain, Depression and Diarriah.

Hardazan Plus is the single ALL natural supplement of its type. It effectively gets rid of blockages in the arteries which then provide improved blood circulation to the penis. This increased flow of blood to the penis, is what generates an excellent erection.

Sexual disorders happens when muscle tissues in the penis flex and stop the inflow of bloodstream.

Extenerx's powerful combination triggers the generation of nitric oxide into the Corpus Cavernosum that are the holding chambers of the penis that harden to build an erection. The outcome is improved endurance, arousal as well as for a longer time, harder erections.

Hardazan Plus is an innovative nutritional supplement that will modify your life forever.

Active ingredients:

Asia Red Ginseng (Korean) - Ginseng is a standard plant useful to defeat common weakness and provide extra energy. This also provides aphrodisiacal powers. Chinese scientists have noticed and recorded that Ginseng induces both physical and psychological activity, improves fitness performance, and offers an optimistic impact on the sex glands. Ginseng is also helpful normalize hypertension while rejuvenating and stimulating the body.

Features: enhances sexual performance, boosts stamina, improves erections<>

Beta-Sitosterol - A lot of Global medical magazines have publishings featuring Beta-Sitosterol is among the more effective natural treatments known for prostate issues. It prevents the production of DHT, a hormone that may encourage prostate enhancement.

Catuaba Bark - Catuaba is just one of the best known aphrodisiac herbs. This plant originates from the Amazon rain forests of Brazil. Catuaba is historically helpful to deal with sexual impotence and improve sexual desire. The Topi Indians have known of Catuaba's sex-enhancing elements that have utilized it with terrific good results for many centuries.

Functions: aphrodisiac, increases circulation of blood

Cinnamon Bark Cinnamon Bark - Cinnamon features anti-oxidant properties it is utilized as a natural preservative, helpin maintain the power and safeguard the properties of the other components used in Hardazan Plus.

Functions: natural preservative, anti-oxidant

Cistanche Bark Cistanche Bark - This pure herb is used in usual Chinese medication to improve blood circulation. It is proven to produce comfort for impotence and earlier ejaculation.

Functions: increases blood circulation, quarrels premature ejaculation


1. Beta-Sitosterol - Reduces swelling and also stimulates nourishing hormone balance.

2. Herb of Saw Palmetto Berries - Adjusts the hormone ranges to tranquilize symptoms and quit enlargement.

3. Lycopene - Ultra-antioxidant help for optimum health.

4. Pygeum Africanum Bark Extract - Boosts your urine flow and decreases swelling.

5. Quercetin - Alleviates discomfort and unpleasant distress.

6. Stinging Nettle Root - Prevents your urge to urinate, helps shrink your enlarged prostate.


1. Red Ginseng's common side effect is insomnia, nausea and chest pain.

2. Hardazan Plus is expensive in price.

3. Ingredient amounts not listed

4. Some ingredients are acidic in nature not pure herbal.

Customer Reviews:

Man's experience and their people results are varied with age. Some individuals say that it�s more expensive from other product. But overall rating is positive as average basis.


From the too much male performance products available on the web, which there are many, Hardazan does seem to be among the more valuable. Occasionally the truth that a product has decreased titles � Hardazan Plus was previously known as Extenerex � is not a great sign even though in this instance the manufacturer is incredibly upfront regarding it. Eventually, it would be useful to understand ingredient quantities therefore the power of the secret can be correctly judged along with observing the outcomes of suitable scientific testing.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Characteristic chest pain due to heart problems

Each person must have felt chest pain during his life. Even in a year at least you never once felt chest pain. Most, will directly connect with chest pain of heart disease, especially if the chest pain is felt in the left chest. 

Characteristic chest pain due to heart problems
In fact, chest pain caused by heart disease less than the frequency of chest pain not caused by heart disease. Research related to the causes of chest pain ever done in Switzerland involving 672 patients. These patients come with complaints of chest pain. But after undergoing the examination, chest pain caused by heart disease only about 16 percent. Is the cause of most muscle problems, which is about 50 percent.

Similar research has also been conducted on 135 pediatric patients aged 4-17 years. The children were brought for treatment because complaining of chest pain. Of the many children, chest pain caused by heart disease was found only in 1 patient only. The rest chest pain caused by muscle tension, such as psychic anxiety, and gastrointestinal disorders.

But that does not mean we should not underestimate chest pain. Chest pain that was caused heart can be fatal. Therefore, knowledge about the characteristics of chest pain caused by heart is very important.

Characteristic chest pain caused by heart

Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensation caused by tissue damage. Actual pain is subjective. Heart will give you the sensation of pain in the event of the threat of damage to the heart tissue. Terseringnya the cause is lack of oxygen and blood that may appear on the conditions blockages or narrowing of coronary arteries.

Not all chest pain worry comes from the heart. Some characteristics of chest pain should be wary berikutlah comes from the heart.

The heart is located in the middle of the chest a little bit to the left. Therefore, not all chest pain caused by heart is felt on the left. When the right side of the heart damage, the pain can be felt right chest pain. If the damaged heart tissue behind, it can appear symptoms bad taste in the back. Similarly, if the bottom of the heart is damaged, the pain can be felt in the pit of the stomach that resemble symptoms of heartburn.

Organs including the heart so that the nature of the pain is pain that is not localized. That is, you will not be able to designate the location of the pain with just one finger. Typically, a patient's heart will show you where the pain with the rest of the palm of his hand when asked where the pain is felt.

Sensation of chest pain caused by heart usually blunt. Crushed chest pain like a heavy sensation, depressed, severe tightness, and burning. However, some of them may also experience pain prickling.

Another distinctive feature is that there is propagation. Pain caused by the heart can be spread through the nerves to the shoulder, left arm, through to the back, and neck. The typical places for spreading pain from the heart.

Regarding long, chest pain can vary depending on the severity of heart disease. Chest pain due to mild narrowing usually lasts less than 20 minutes. Meanwhile, total blockage or pain due to acute heart attacks occur more than 20 minutes.

Chest pain from heart disease occurs when the heart of our work increases, for example when on the move, shortly after the move, angry, emotional, or stress. Pain is relieved with rest and calm down.

Another distinctive feature is that the pain is not affected by body position. Standing, sitting, lying tilted to the right, the left, and so will not affect the pain. Similarly with breathing. Pain caused by the heart not getting sick or exhale as you pull. If the pain increases with breathing, chest pain it causes more suspicion caused by the lungs or the chest wall muscle.

Chest pain caused by heart usually accompanied by other symptoms of sympathetic nerves, the symptoms such as anxious person. Sympathetic symptoms include cold sweats, rapid heart rate, weakness, nausea, and vomiting.

You have chest pain? or the people around you there is pain in the chest? Try to fit the characteristics of pain in the upper. Not so fast fear that experienced chest pain due to heart. However, if the characteristics presumably leads to the heart, immediately to the nearest hospital!

May be useful.

7 Foods are Beneficial To Strengthen Bones

There are only a few food sources contain vitamin D. Ideally vitamin D produced in the body when you are exposed to sunlight in the morning. However, modern lifestyles keep us busy so rarely work out in the morning. That's why, we should be more frequent eating foods rich in vitamin D. Bone health depends on the consumption of vitamin D. Here are the foods rich in vitamin D, and is excellent for bone health, as reported by Boldsky.

1. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are a food source of vitamin D. Mushrooms also have a lot of zinc and protein content.

2. Cod liver oil
Cod liver oil is a dietary supplement rich in vitamin D. Cod liver oil itself is oil extracted from cod. It is available in capsule form.

3. Tuna fish
Most fish that inhabit the cold ocean waters contain much vitamin D. However, tuna is a good source of vitamin D which is the highest compared to other fish.

4. eggs
Eggs are rich in vitamin D. However, the egg can not meet the daily requirement of vitamin D you. Therefore, you have to eat them with other foods rich in vitamin D.

5. soy products
Soy products are foods rich in vitamin D. Soy milk will give you the nutrients needed for bone health.

6. salmon
Salmon is a cold water fish species are also high in vitamin D. These fish should be baked and not fried to retain maximum nutritional value in it.

7. oyster

Seafood oysters are rich in various essential nutrients. Beside rich in vitamin D, oysters also contain a lot of vitamin B12, selenium, copper, iron, and many more.

Here are seven foods that are rich in vitamin D and very good for bone health. Congratulations try!

GenF20 Plus: Improves HGH Level

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is seen as a method of obtaining youthful and physical fitness. This hormone takes care of almost all functionality of the entire body for appropriate growth and development. To cope with the consequences and the aging process. A lot of people depend on human growth hormone improvement products as they simply grow older. To enhance HGH. An item is launched GenF20 Plus. Allow us to really know what this product is exactly about.

What is GenF20 Plus all about?
The overall schedule of GenF20 is Human Growth Hormone. If the body is younger. It creates HGH (Human Growth Hormone) organically. In spite of this. With the passage of time as well as the body grows up old. It gets to be progressively less capable of generating HGH. Which is exactly what will cause the common scaling down of the body that others generally associate with grow older. 

Apart from a sluggish metabolic process. Plummeting amounts of HGH include additional harmful results. Such as leading to the entire body to gain pounds and stopping weight reduction. It could possibly also lead to all of the other results of growing old. Like lowering sexual efficiency and bad appetite. 

The producer promises that it enhances Human Growth Hormone amount by roughly 28% in only 12 weeks. GenF20 Plus is clinically known to normally boost HGH. The for a longer time you utilize it. The better the outcomes.

What Ingredients Make GenF20 Effective!
It consists of all kinds of efficient active ingredients. Which range from unique nutrients to peptides and various types amino acids. With each other these types of nutrition really increase amounts of HGH generation within the body of a human. Arginine is amongst the essential components of the pills and if you're in any way nutritionally well-being conscious for those who fully understand that Arginine is a fantastic amino acid.

What Are The Good Side of GenF20 Plus:
Reinvigorated sexual desire and effectiveness. 
A super-charged sexual drive 
More powerful bones and improved bone thickness 
Increases Sexual Need 
Overall improve Sexual functionality. Sexual potency/frequency by 75% 

Bad side of GenF20 Plus:
Headaches and drowsiness
Risk of cardiovascular diseases
Muscle and joint pain

Success Stories:
1. My energy and sex drive are incredible! I highly recommend GenF20 to all my friends and my family already has a supply. My mother has asthma and now has more energy than ever!
-Sylvia Denonna
New York, New York

2. My sex drive has increased substantially. My energy has increased substantially... I look and feel 10 years younger!
-James Brown
Tamarac, Florida

Final Thoughts:
Each and every HGH Supplement comes with some pros and cons, but GenF20 plus contains most natural ingredients and there are some side effects to be faced.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Kremlin diet

Kremlin diet
Kremlin diet the most popular way to lose weight now. About the Kremlin diet constantly talking on television and radio, are constantly published articles in popular press, there is a huge number of internet sites dedicated to just the Kremlin diet.
Who is the most miraculous that the Kremlin diet? Why did the army of adherents of this method of weight loss is increasing every day in a geometric progression?

The basic principle of the Kremlin diet is that a person does not have to completely give up eating and torture of a loved one by hunger, and just have to pay closer attention to the fact that he eats. This diet does not prohibit eating meat. The meat can be eaten, and even to eat. The secret to the effectiveness of the Kremlin diet is that the body is transferred to a lower consumption of carbohydrates, which are one of the main causes of being overweight. For products having a high carbohydrate value, will have to charge more points Kremlin diet. For such products primarily include bakery products, some cereals, sweet. The body, limited in carbohydrates, is forced to search for new energy resources, and thus begins to actively burn its own fat.

According to the system developed in this diet each product is assigned a certain number of points, "hazard" (arbitrary units). You ate, for example, a piece of crab meat, then, if you please, write to your account 12 points. And if you decided to eat grapes, you will have to write down their account for 15 points. The daily amount of all of these points should not exceed forty. Only in this case from the Kremlin diet is good. Therefore, a person who has chosen this method of weight loss, we have to very carefully every day to count points Kremlin diet. There is a special table Kremlin diet, which clearly indicated how many points for what product you need to charge.

Kremlin dietOnce a person because of this diet can lose the required number of extra pounds, in order to maintain the achieved results it is recommended not to give up the Kremlin diet, but simply increase the number of points to 60.

By the way, this diet does not prohibit the use of alcohol. You only have to put the hard taboo on beer and spirits (vodka, brandy, rum, whiskey, etc.) you can use. Within reasonable limits, of course.

We should not forget that any diet is a certain amount of stress to the body. So before you sit down at the Kremlin diet is recommended, after all, consult your doctor. The Kremlin diet is contraindicated in people who suffer from chronic kidney disease, heart, stomach, vascular system.

Below is a table of the Kremlin diet, which are the most common products and the number of points that you need to charge for their use.

Food item c.u per 100gramms Food item c.u per 100gramms
Meat Fruit
Bacon 0 Apple 9,5
Bacon, Canadian 0 Apricot 10
Bluefish 1 Avocado 16
Bologna 1 Banana 19
Chicken breast 0 Blueberries 7
Chicken breast, battered 0 Cherries 6,5
Chicken leg 0 Grapefruit 6,5
Chicken leg, battered 0 Grapes, green 5
Chicken liver 0 Kiwi 10
Chicken pot pie 15 Mango 9
Chicken salad 5-8 Nectarine 9,5
Clams 0 Orange 7,5
Cod fish cakes 16 Papaya 7,5
Corned beef 0 Peach 9,5
Crab meat 0 Pear 9,5
Duck. roast 0 Pineapple 6,5
Filet mignon 1 Plum 9
Frankfurter 2 Prunes 58
Ground beef 0 Raisins 66
Ham, Virginia 1 Raspberries 8
Lamb chop 0 Strawberries 7
Leg of lamb 0 Tangerine 8
Liver, broiled 0 Watermelon 12
Lobster meat 1 Food item c.u per 100gramms
Pork chop 1 Vegetables
Pork sausage 1 Beets 7
Roast beef 0 Beet greens 8
Salami 0 Broccoli 5
Salmon, baked 0 Cabbage, raw 6
Salmon, smoked 2 Carrot 7
Scallops 1 Cauliflower, raw 6
Shrimp 3 Celery 6
Sirloin steak 1 Collard greens 7
Tuna, in oil 2 Corn, on cob 4
Tuna, in water 2 Corn, kernels 6
Tuna salad 14 Cucumber 7
Turkey, dark meat 0 Dandelion 6
Turkey, white meat 0 Eggplant 7
Veal chop 0 Endive/Escarole 5
Food item c.u per portion Green beans 7
Dairy, Eggs Kale, raw 5
Cheese any kind 4 ounce= 0,5 -2 Leeks 6,5
Cheese cottage 4 ounces= 1 Lettuce, head 7
Cheese, cottage, skim 4 ounces= 1 Lettuce, romaine 8
Cream, coffee 1 tablespoon= 1 Mushrooms 1
Cream, half & half 1 tablespoon= 2 Okra 1
Cream, heavywhip 1 tablespoon= 2 Onions, green 3,5
Cream, lightwhip 1 tablespoon= 2 Onions, white, raw 8
Cream, sour 1 tablespoon= 2 Peas 3
Egg 1 large= 0,5 Pepper, sweet green 8
Egg white 1 large= 0 Pepper, sweet red 8
Egg yolk 1 large= 0,5 Potato baked 23
Milk, buttermilk 1 cup= 5 Potato chips 21
Milk, skim 1 cup= 3,5 Potato, french fried 26
Milk, whole 1 cup= 4,5 Potato, mashed 23
Omelet, cheese 2 eggs= 4 Potato salad 17
Yogurt without sugar 1 cup= 3,5 Potato, sweet 18
Yogurt, low-fat 1 cup= 4 Pumpkin 19
Yogurt with sugar 1 cup= 8 Radishes 8
Food item c.u per portion Sauerkraut 8
Mixed Dishes Spinach 4
Cheeseburger 1 medium= 17 Squash, summer 5
Cheeseburger, 1/4 lb. 1= 18 Squash, winter 8
Chili con carne 1 cup= 28 Tomato 4
Egg muffin sandwich 1 medium= 12 Turnips 5
Fish filet sandwich 1 medium= 14 Turnip greens 7
Hamburger 1 medium= 17 Artichoke 6
Hamburger, 1/4 lb. 1= 17 Asparagus 6
Pasta & meatballs 1 cup= 5 Food item c.u per 100gr
Pizza, cheese 1/8 of 15" pie= 13 Cereals, Grains
Quiche Lorraine 1/8 of 8" dish= 16 Bagel 56
Roast beef sandwich 1 medium= 9 Barley 25
Soup, chicken noodle 1 cup= 7 Biscuit 60
Soup, clam chowder 1 cup= 8 Bran flakes 51
Soup, cream of tomato 1 cup= 8 Bread crumbs 40
Soup, vegetable beef 1 cup= 7 Bread, French 29
Taco 1 medium= 12 Bread, Italian 31
Food item c.u per portion Bread, pumpernickel 39
Fats, Dressings Bread, rye 34
Butter, regular 1 tablespoon= 3 Bread, whole wheat 38
Butter, whipped 1 tablespoon= 2,5 Bread, white 51
Catsup 1 tablespoon= 5 Corn flakes 32
Dressing, 1000 Island 1 tablespoon= 3 Corn grits 31
Dressing, French 1 tablespoon= 2 Croutons 29
Dressing, Italian 1 tablespoon= 2 Farina 37
Dressing, low-calorie 1 tablespoon= 4 French toast 27
Hollandaise sauce 1 cup= 5 Granola 28
Margarine, regular 1 tablespoon= 3 Melba toast 21
Margarine, whipped 1 tablespoon= 0 Muffin, bran 24
Mayonnaise 1 tablespoon= 2 Muffin, corn 29
Mustard 1 teaspoon= 5 Muffin, English 23
Vegetable shortening 1 tablespoon= 3 Oatmeal cooked 19
Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon= 1 Pancake 26
Food item c.u per 100gramms Pasta, cooked 12
Legumes, Nuts Popcorn 34
Almonds 11 Rice cake 46
Beans, lima 24 Rice, white, cooked 47
Beans, navy 21 Rice, brown 39
Beans, kidney 22 Rice, wild 39
Brazil nut, shelled 15 Roll, hamburger 12
Cashews, raw 14 Roll, hot dog 12
Chestnuts, shelled 11 Roll, onion 16
Chickpeas 12 Wheat, cream of 25
Coconut, shelled 20 Wheat germ 32
Coconut, dried 56 Food item c.u per portion
Filberts, shelled 15 Beverages
Lentils 18 Juice apple 12 ounces = 24
Peanuts, shelled 8,5 Juice apricot 12 ounces = 28
Peanut butter 23 Juice orange 12 ounces = 25
Peas, raw 8 Juice tomato 12 ounces = 7
Pine nuts 7 Stewed fruit apple 12 ounces = 31
Pistachios, shelled 15 Stewed fruit pear 12 ounces = 25
Pumpkin seeds 17 Stewed fruit cherry 12 ounces = 24
Sesame seeds, hulled 20 Stewed fruit apricot 12 ounces = 28
Sesame butter 23 Cola 12 ounces = 14
Soybeans 10 Cocoa 8 ounces = 10
Sprouts, alfalfa 12 Coffee, black and tea without sugar 6 ounces = 0
Sunflower seeds 12 Mineral aqua 12 ounces = 0
Walnut pieces 17 Food item c.u per portion
Food item c.u per 100gramms Strong drinks
Sweets, Desserts Wine, dry 4 ounces= 1
Cake, angel food 46 Wine, sweet 4 ounces= 3
Cake, cheese 29 Vodka 4 ounces= 0
Cake, chocolate 52 Brandy 4 ounces= 0
Cake, strawberry short 50 Whisky 4 ounces= 0
Candy, chocolate 54 Beer 12 ounces= 12
Cookie, chocolate chip 56
Donut, plain 48
Ice cream, vanilla 20
Honey 75
Frozen yogurt 19
Jam 68
Pie, fruit-filled 57
Pie, lemon meringue 58
Pie, pecan 56
Pudding, chocolate 53
Pudding, custard 52
Sugar 99
Syrup, chocolate 84
Syrup, corn/maple 82

How to Take Care of Your Lips Naturally!

Lips are often overlooked when it comes to caring for your skin. The skin on the lips can dry out from a variety of factors, creating the need for treatment or application of products that simply coat the lips without creating any real benefit except that of protection. If you begin your lip care from the inside out, you may be able to prevent dryness that can lead to peeling, crevices, and bleeding.

What Causes Dry Lips?

Some people think that lips don't produce oils due to the lack of sweat glands. However, lips do have special glands that produce natural lubrication to protect the skin on the lips. This natural lubrication is often not enough to protect the lips from the drying effects of saliva, sun exposure, environmental dryness, and toxins.

Eating Healthy for Proper Lip Care

Vitamins and minerals play important functions in promoting healthy skin and lips. Eating a healthy, balanced diet full of a variety of foods helps you to get the proper nutrients essential for healthy lips.

Vitamin A helps keep skin and mucus membranes healthy to promote proper moisture balance and protection from cell damage. Vitamin A is also necessary for skin and wound healing. Foods rich in Vitamin A include dark orange fruits and vegetables, green, leafy vegetables, and eggs. Applied topically in skin care products, Vitamin A derivatives are used to maintain proper moisture balance and to reduce the signs of aging.

B Vitamins, especially Vitamin B-1 and Vitamin B-3 are also beneficial to your skin and lips. These vitamins increase circulation and oxygen to the skin. Good sources of these vitamins include egg yolks, nuts, tomatoes, and broccoli.

Vitamin C is needed for collagen production in the skin. Collagen helps the skin to be firm, smooth, and flexible. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that can help prevent cell damage and prevent the effects of aging on the skin. Foods rich in Vitamin C include citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, and tomatoes. Topical applications that include this vitamin may help to reduce the appearance of age spots and fine lines.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to prevent cell damage in the body, which helps to delay the signs of aging in the skin. Foods that are rich in this vitamin include nuts and seeds, olives, green, leafy vegetables, and wheat germ. There are many topically applied products that have Vitamin E as an ingredient to help reduce the signs of aging.

Natural Lip Care Tips

It is important to care for your lips every day to prevent dryness and damage. You may even need to exfoliate the skin on your lips every week. Eat a healthy, and balanced diet full of a variety of necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Use a lip balm daily. Your lip balm will give you more protection if it contains ingredients such as sunscreen, and either petroleum jelly, beeswax, or paraffin. Avoid licking or biting on your lips, as saliva can lead to dryness. Try not to touch your lips or pick at them to avoid introducing harmful organisms that can create infections and to allow proper healing of any cracks or irritation.

This post was created using resources taken from the Cosmos Clinic. If you'd like to know more about them, check out their LinkedIn page.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Pure Noni Juice

Pure Noni Juice

The Noni Juice plant tends to thrive in the tropical areas and, in order to ensure that a pure Noni Juice is produced, the plant should be grown in totally organic areas such as the Cook Islands. Fertilizers and pesticides destroy the natural benefits of the extensive number of minerals and vitamins produced by the Noni Juice fruit.
The end product should be pasteurised to destroy any harmful bacteria but totally pure Noni Juice should not be blended with preservatives, flavours or any other additives – not even water.

Health Benefits of Noni Juice

The Health Benefits of Noni Juice

The health benefits of Noni Juice produced from the noni plant (Morinda Citrifolia) have been well known by the Polynesians for more than 2,000 years.Captain James Cook recorded its use in Tahiti in the late 1700s and a British book published in 1866 recorded that the Noni fruit was eaten in the Cook Islands.

Vision Without Glasses Review

Vision Without Glassesâ„¢

Pickup Perfect Vision without Glasses – Your Eyes is an Organ that Require Excerise like Everything Else to be Flawless

Perfect vision can be achieve by anyone who is normal. Yes, if your legs were severed off you would be immobile without prosthetic legs or a wheelchair but most likely (and hopefully) you still have them. Now a body builder desires to know how to best build their muscles and memory expert specializes on mnemonic techniques to maximize good memory usage. A similar concept also applies to your eyes. Dr. Bates spends years of research on correcting eyesight difficulties; allowing the eyes to self rejuvenate and improve. He heartily believed anyone can see without glasses. If normal people can build huge muscles and phenomenal memory, then the same can be said for the eyes. Discover how to get perfect vision without glasses at a 33% discount price to naturally obtain freedom of sight!

5 Soda Adverse Effects on the Kidneys

Carbonated drinks are not a healthy one drink can lead to obesity and other health problems. Soda also claimed to use artificial sweeteners that can trigger cancer. And, a recent study found that if you drink more than two glasses of soda per day, you may increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease. Here are the bad effects of soda on your kidney health, as reported by Boldsky.

5 Soda Adverse Effects on the Kidneys

1. Phosphoric acid
Soda usually contain a lot of phosphoric acid, which can affect the formation of kidney stones in the urinary tract. Phosphoric acid can bind to other minerals, such as calcium, in the kidneys and lead to kidney stone formation.

2. Sodium

Sodas typically contain a mineral called sodium. It is a type of salt that will increase your risk of chronic kidney disease. Kidney disease is a chronic disease characterized by the inability of the kidneys to filter waste from the body and increase the risk of a buildup of toxins in the blood.

3. Artificial Sweeteners

Diet soda is sugar-free drink that is claimed, but the sugar content in artificial sweeteners instead of sugar is higher than normal. Research shows that drinking diet soda have a negative effect on kidney function. Eating a diet soda twice a day led to a twofold increase in the likelihood of decline in kidney function.

4. Caffeine

Almost all soda has caffeine in it, which of course does not have a positive effect on the kidneys. This is because caffeine is a substance that can increase blood pressure and lead to increased risk of kidney disease. This is especially true for diet soda, which is directly related to blood pressure spikes.

5. Corn syrup

Soda may have negative effects on the kidneys due to high fructose corn syrup added to it. Corn syrup contains a lot of calories, which can lead to kidney disease and increased blood pressure. This happens because the corn syrup contributes to obesity and insulin sensitivity.

These are the five harmful effects of regular soda that you consume. Remember, do not eat anything to excess because it can bring problems to your body.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Warning for Innerget, Megaton male sex pills

Pills contain sildenafil, a prescription medication found in Viagra

Health Canada has issued a warning about Innerget and Megaton male sexual enhancement pills that have potentially deadly side effects.
The pills are marketed as natural health products and sold online by a Richmond, B.C., store called Lion King Health.
Three Innerget brand pills are touted as offering "instant erection", "everlasting strength" and "prolonged performance." The fourth � an unauthorized natural health product � is branded Megaton 2080.
"These products are promoted as male sexual stimulants and contain hidden prescription medications," Health Canada said in a statement.
The hidden ingredients include sildenafil analogs that may pose serious risks to the health of Canadians, particularly those with heart problems, or anyone taking any kind of nitrate drug such as nitroglycerine, as they can cause potentially life-threatening low blood pressure, it said.
"Individuals with heart problems including high blood pressure, a history of heart attack, stroke, abnormal heart beat or chest pain are at higher risk of cardiovascular side effects if they engage in sexual activity, including if they use sildenafil or tadalafil to help them achieve an erection," it added.
Other possible side effects include headache, facial flushing, indigestion, dizziness, abnormal vision and hearing loss.
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Adonis Golden Ratio Review

The New “Adonis Golden Ratio” program promises to help guys build the most attractive physiques… My review gives you the DIRT!

Let’s face it guys, what is the REAL reason you are working out? If you are like me, and most guys who are being honest with themselves, the reason is so that you can look awesome… and get women to swoon over you.
Sure, being healthy is important, and it’s nice to be strong and able to pick up heavy stuff, but having women sweat your hot bod is the thing that really keeps most guys in the gym putting in all that effort. So, when I found out about Kyle Leon and John Barban’s new Adonis Golden Ratio program I was all over it!

In my business I am always looking for programs that I can recommend to guys to give them an advantage with the ladies. So I was very, very eager to see if Kyle and John’s new program really was deserving of all the crazy media attention that it’s been getting – heck, they even have a major network trying to make a reality show out of this thing!
Read on for a look at the program…

Metabolic Cooking Review

I’ll Show You How To Prepare Quick And Easy Recipes Designed With Simple Fat Burning Foods To Banish Your Boring Diet And Burn Fat Faster! (Without Biting Into Hot Peppers)

From the kitchen of Karine Losier & Dave Ruel
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Dear friend,
My name is Karine, I’m the co-author of Metabolic Cooking, and also known as the “Lean Kitchen Queen”.
If you’re reading this right now, that means one thing: you’re on a mission to accelerate fat loss and get rid of your boring diet.

Truth about Fat Burning Foods Review

 Nick Pineault

3 Simple Steps That Transform Your Kitchen From Fat STORING Foods To Fat BURNING Foods In LESS Than 24 Hours…

Picture the foods that are in your fridge at this very moment.
Did you know that almost every single one of these foods contain “hidden” fat-storing ingredients that can slow down your metabolism, sap your energy, and block your fat burning potential by a whopping 82% – even the ones you think are “healthy”?
Did you know that there’s a super simple way to rid your life of these “fattening” foods and SWAP them with delicious foods that BOOST your metabolism and dramatically accelerate your fat loss?

Old School New Body Review

5 Steps To Looking 10 Years Younger

By Steve & Becky Holman

Steve & Becky HolmanDid you know that once you hit 40 years of age, whether you’re a man or a women, your body starts aging FASTER than normal? Studies have shown that without the proper nutrients and exercise, your body will age about 6 months EXTRA for every year that passes. Think about that! If you are 40, that means by the time you hit 44 you will LOOK and FEEL 48. And by the time you reach 60, you will LOOK and FEEL 70 YEARS OLD! We see this every day… just look around you.
Did you know that 90% of people over the age of 35 lose enough muscle every year to burn off an additional 4 pounds of body fat? That means you not only lose the only thing on your body that creates shape, tone, and strength—you also gain more fat every year, even if your calories stay the same.